

莫纳什大学(Monash University)移民教授Bob Birrell称配偶签证是获得澳洲永居的热门途径。


移民部长Scott Morrison称数据显示艾伯特政府已提高警觉来阻止这些人来滥用此项目。



莫纳什大学移民教授Bob Birrell称配偶签证之所以是获得永居的热门途径是因为他们若能成功提供其将能证明他们的关系是真实并且是持续的,那就能取得配偶签证。其称,此项目无需做出技术评估或英语语言能力。Dr Birrel称巨大的配偶签证申请量积压已给移民机构造成了巨大的压力。


Marriage scam arrests

Thursday, 13 February 2014

The suspected masterminds of a fake marriage scam were arrested last night, following a lengthy investigation by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, the Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, said today.

Australian Federal Police (AFP) officers arrested the pair at their residence in the Brisbane suburb of Oxley and later charged them with multiple offences.

A former registered migration agent was charged with 49 offences relating to his alleged involvement in arranging fake marriages between Indian nationals and Australian citizens. Applications for spouse visas were lodged with the department, containing false information that the male suspect is alleged to have fabricated and provided to his clients.

The man’s partner, a marriage celebrant, was charged with 17 offences for her role in the scam. The department alleges she performed the marriage ceremonies between Indian and Australian citizens that then formed the basis for the spouse visa applications.

‘The government takes fraud allegations very seriously,’ Minister Cash said.

‘We will act against those who attempt to cheat our migration programmes.’

‘I note that there is no evidence that visas were ever granted as a result of this scam, which is testament to the rigorous quality control and integrity processes in place at the department.’

Many of the charges faced by this couple carry a maximum of 10 years imprisonment and/or a $170 000 fine. The couple was granted bail under strict conditions ahead of their next appearance on March 14.

The department encourages the community to provide information relating to immigration and citizenship offences and fraud. For matters relating to identity crime, migration and citizenship offences, people are encouraged to contact the department on 1800 009 623 or visit the department’s website at www.immi.gov.au.

For matters relating to the conduct of registered migration agents, people are encouraged to contact the Office of the MARA on 1300 226 272.